
High Fiver Diet for Ibd

Foods to Avoid With Crohn's Disease

When it comes to Crohn's, what you don't eat may be just as important as what you do eat. Find out how to meet your nutritional needs while avoiding foods that can aggravate Crohn's symptoms.


colorful shopping cart

Find out about the best foods to stock up on to help keep Crohn's disease symptoms at bay.

For a person with Crohn's disease, eating a healthy diet isn't as simple as it may seem. If you're experiencing chronic diarrhea, you may have nutritional deficiencies to overcome. On top of this, certain foods — even foods that are considered nutritious, such as raw fruits and vegetables — can trigger a Crohn's flare or worsen symptoms. "Foods differ for each person, and people often choose to avoid them," says Ryan S. Carvalho, MD, attending physician in the division of gastroenterology and nutrition at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. "However, caution is necessary to prevent excessive calorie, protein, and nutrient deprivation."

Even children notice when certain foods trigger their Crohn's symptoms, says Dr. Carvalho. Because foods that may act as triggers vary so widely, experts suggest using a food diary to establish your diet for Crohn's disease. "No two Crohn's patients are the same," says Abdullah Shatnawei, MD, a gastroenterologist at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. "Documenting what you eat in a food diary will allow you to see if there's a correlation between symptoms and something you ate."

Carvalho adds that keeping a diary "will also help you calculate your average calorie, protein, nutrient, and vitamin intake with the help of a dietitian." The following foods are considered common triggers for a Crohn's flare. Be particularly aware of your reaction when you eat them and jot down all the details in your food diary.

Additional reporting by Ashley Welch.


Avoid Dairy if You Are Lactose Intolerant

pouring milk

People with Crohn's disease are more likely to be lactose intolerant.

If you have Crohn's disease, it's not uncommon to also be lactose intolerant. That means you don't adequately digest lactose, the sugar found in milk, cheese, and other dairy products. As a result you may have symptoms such as cramping, bloating, diarrhea, and gas, says Gina Jarman Hill, PhD, RD, an associate professor of nutrition at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. "Dairy products are a good source of calcium, vitamin D, and protein, so if you completely avoid these foods, you must obtain these nutrients elsewhere," she says. To minimize Crohn's symptoms while staying healthy, try getting these nutrients from green leafy vegetables, fortified juices, and cereals, or supplements.


Avoid Spicy Food if It Is a Trigger

spicy peppers and spices

Spicy food can make a Crohn's flare worse.

When your Crohn's symptoms are in overdrive, spicy foods may result in even more pain for you, says Hill. "However, this is different from one person to the next," she adds, "so it's important to identify those foods that are or are not tolerated." If you find certain spices irritating during a Crohn's flare, mild herbs and small amounts of citrus juices for seasoning can provide flavor in their place.


Avoid Fried or Greasy Foods

Greasy burger and fries

Fried and greasy foods can lead to Crohn's symptoms like cramping or loose stools.

For people with Crohn's disease, the fat in foods like fried chicken, french fries, heavy sauces, and creams is often not fully absorbed in the small intestine. This in turn leads to Crohn's symptoms like cramping or loose stools. Rather than fried and greasy foods, choose foods that are baked, broiled, or steamed for your diet for Crohn's, says Hill. "However, fat should only be restricted if you're experiencing fatty stools."

Avoiding junk food altogether is also a good rule of thumb. "This is really the same advice that applies to everybody," Dr. Shatnawei says. "Avoid fast food, processed meats, refined sugars, and preservatives. Try to eat a balanced healthy diet."


Steer Clear of High Fiber Foods During a Flare

Whole wheat pasta is a high-fiber food that can exacerbate Crohn's symptoms

People with Crohn's should opt for refined pasta or bread to keep symptoms at bay.

Though most people should be getting plenty of fiber from sources such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, the opposite is true for many individuals with Crohn's disease. When Crohn's symptoms are at their worst, make refined breads and pastas part of your modified diet. "They are normally better tolerated than their higher-fiber counterparts," Hill explains.


Be Wary of Foods With Gluten

Whole grain bread can be problematic for people with Crohn's

A high percentage of Crohn's patients also have celiac disease and should choose refined breads instead of ones with whole grains.

Hill notes that refined wheat products are usually a better choice than whole grain options for people with active Crohn's flares, but this alternative won't help if you can't digest the gluten found in wheat products. "There's a good percentage — higher than the normal population — of patients with Crohn's disease who also have celiac disease," Shatnawei says. If that's the case, avoid all products that contain gluten in your diet.


Limit Your Intake of Nuts and Seeds

Raw nuts are difficult to digest if you have Crohn's

Raw nuts can worsen inflammation in people with Crohn's.

Nuts in their raw form are a great source of protein and healthy fats, but they're also difficult to digest, which can make them tough for anyone suffering through a Crohn's flare, says Kelly Kennedy, RD, staff nutritionist at Everyday Health. "For a better option, opt for smooth nut butters such as natural peanut butter," she says.

Seeds can also wreak havoc on your stomach if you have Crohn's disease. "When passing through the digestive tract, seeds don't get fully digested," Kennedy says. "Because of this, they can sometimes lead to worsened diarrhea if you're going through a Crohn's flare." Foods you may want to avoid include those with a lot of seeds such as raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, chia, and flax seeds.

Popcorn is difficult to digest for people with Crohn's

Popcorn can worsen inflammation for people with Crohn's because the whole grain is hard to digest.

Many people don't realize that popcorn is a whole grain, which can be difficult for the body to break down if you have Crohn's, Kennedy says. Because of this, it can cause uncomfortable symptoms during a flare. If you're craving a salty snack, grab a handful of pretzels instead. "They're low in fiber and fat and the salt is helpful for replacing any sodium lost through diarrhea," Kennedy says.


Limit Raw Fruits and Vegetables

Raw produce should be avoided with Crohn's

Fresh fruits and vegetables in their pure, raw form are loaded with fiber and are notable for causing gas. You may need to eliminate them from your diet, especially during a Crohn's flare. "High-fiber foods are not completely digested in the small intestine and therefore may further exacerbate diarrhea during times of increased Crohn's symptoms," says Hill. Switch to cooked vegetables and fruits without the skins. But, she warns, you may need to pass completely on broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and beans. Again, a food diary will help you identify your particular triggers.

High Fiver Diet for Ibd


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