
Ricardo Wants to Determine the Length of a Strip of Zinc Metal. What Is the Si Unit for Length?

Standard Units (SI Units)

The International System of Units (abbreviated SI) is the metric system used in scientific discipline, industry, and medicine.

Learning Objectives

Recognize SI units and their importance for measurment

Key Takeaways

Central Points

  • Every field of science involves taking measurements, understanding them, and communicating them to others. In other words, we all have to speak the aforementioned basic language.
  • The SI system, besides called the metric system, is used around the world.
  • In that location are seven basic units in the SI system: the meter (yard), the kilogram (kg), the second (southward), the kelvin (K), the ampere (A), the mole (mol), and the candela (cd).

Key Terms

  • SI system: A series of units that is accepted and used throughout the scientific world.

The Demand for a Common Language

Every field of science involves taking measurements, agreement them, and communicating them to others. In other words, we all accept to speak the same bones language. Whether you are a chemist, a physicist, a biologist, an engineer, or fifty-fifty a medical medico, yous demand a consistent way of communicating size, mass, shape, temperature, time, amount, free energy, power, and speed.

Consider the screen on which you're reading this text right now. It might exist an LCD screen, which is made up of liquid crystals. The pharmacist developing a specific formulation for a liquid crystal has to meaningfully communicate data to an engineer so that the engineer knows how to manufacture it. The engineer, in turn has to be able to communicate with other engineers, physicists, and chemists to design the excursion boards, display screens, and electronic interfaces of the residue of the computer. If these people don't all speak the same language, the enterprise will never get off the ground.

The International System of Units (abbreviated SI, from the French Système international d'unités) is the metric system used in science, industry, and medicine. Depending on your age and geographic location, you lot might be very familiar with the "imperial" system, which includes units such as gallons, anxiety, miles, and pounds. The imperial system is used for "everyday" measurements in a few places, such every bit the United States. Just in nigh of the earth (including Europe) and in all scientific circles, the SI organization is in common use.

Scientific Units the SI and Metric Units:Mr. Causey teaches scientific units of the SI system, the metric system, and the CGS organization. Mr. Causey also shares the major prefixes and their meanings. Scientific discipline measurements are based on the metric arrangement, so it is important that you know the metric base units and prefixes.

Units of the SI System

There are vii base units in the SI system:

  • the kilogram (kg), for mass
  • the second (s), for fourth dimension
  • the kelvin (K), for temperature
  • the ampere (A), for electrical current
  • the mole (mol), for the amount of a substance
  • the candela (cd), for luminous intensity
  • the meter (m), for altitude


The 7 SI Units: This figure displays the fundamental SI units and the combinations that atomic number 82 to more circuitous units of measurement.

It should be apparent that the move into modern times has greatly refined the conditions of measurement for each basic unit in the SI system, making the measurement of, for instance, the luminous intensity of a lite source a standard measurement in every laboratory in the world. A light source made to produce xx cd volition be the same regardless of whether it is made in the U.s.a., in the U.k., or anywhere else. The use of the SI organisation provides all scientists and engineers with a mutual linguistic communication of measurement.

History of the SI Arrangement

The SI units of measurement take an interesting history. Over time they have been refined for clarity and simplicity.

  • The meter (chiliad), or metre, was originally defined as ane/x,000,000 of the altitude from the Earth's equator to the North Pole measured on the circumference through Paris. In mod terms, information technology is defined as the distance traveled by lite in a vacuum over a time interval of one/299,792,458 of a second.
  • The kilogram (kg) was originally defined as the mass of a liter (i.e., of ane thousandth of a cubic meter). It is currently defined every bit the mass of a platinum-iridium kilogram sample maintained by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures in Sevres, France.
  • The second (due south) was originally based on a "standard twenty-four hour period" of 24 hours, with each 60 minutes divided in sixty minutes and each minute divided in threescore seconds. Yet, nosotros now know that a complete rotation of the Earth actually takes 23 hours, 56 minutes, and seconds. Therefore, a second is now divers as the elapsing of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiations corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom.
  • The ampere (A) is a measure of the corporeality of electrical charge passing a point in an electric circuit per unit fourth dimension. half dozen.241×x18 electrons, or one coulomb, per second constitutes one ampere.
  • The kelvin (Grand) is the unit of the thermodynamic temperature scale. This scale starts at 0 Thou. The incremental size of the kelvin is the same every bit that of the degree on the Celsius (also called centigrade) scale. The kelvin is the fraction ane/273.sixteen of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water (exactly 0.01 °C, or 32.018 °F).
  • The mole (mol) is a number that relates molecular or atomic mass to a abiding number of particles. It is defined as the amount of a substance that contains as many elementary entities equally there are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon-12.
  • The candela (cd) was and then named to refer to "candlepower" dorsum in the days when candles were the most common source of illumination (because so many people used candles, their properties were standardized). Now, with the prevalence of incandescent and fluorescent light sources, the candela is divers every bit the luminous intensity in a given direction of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency [latex]540 \cdot 10^{12}[/latex] Hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that management of i/683 watts per steradian.

SI Unit Prefixes

The basic SI units can be expressed every bit fractions and multiples of basic units by using a set of simple prefixes.

Learning Objectives

Convert between SI units

Cardinal Takeaways

Key Points

  • The set of prefixes is simple and like shooting fish in a barrel to use.
  • Prefixes cannot be combined.
  • The set of prefixes is universal.

Key Terms

  • prefix: Ane or more letters or syllables added to the beginning of a word to modify its significant; for example, kilo can be added to gram to create kilogram
  • fraction: a part of a whole, peculiarly a comparatively pocket-sized part

SI Unit of measurement Prefixes

Now that we know about the SI system and what it provides to the scientist and engineer, we can examine some aspects of bodily measurement. The SI system utilizes a standard system of prefixes to the bones units that allow them to be more than relevant to and descriptive of relative magnitude.

For example, when reading about chemical kinetics, you may encounter the terms "ms" or "ns," pregnant "millisecond" and "nanosecond" respectively. Once y'all've go accustomed to the exercise of using the prefixes, you lot volition immediately know that the millisecond is one/1000 of one 2nd and is 1 one thousand thousand times larger than a nanosecond, which is ane/1000000000 of one second, or ten-9 seconds.

Briefly review the basic SI units before you study the prefixes.

Unit proper name Unit of measurement symbol Quantity name Quantity symbol Dimension symbol
meter thousand length l, x, r L
kilogram[i] kg mass grand Thousand
second s time t T
ampere A electric current I I
kelvin Thou thermodynamic temperature T Θ
candela cd luminous intensity Iv J
mole mol amount of substance n Northward

There are 20 accepted prefixes. A prefix may be used to identify multiples of the original unit or fractions of the original unit. For case, kilo- denotes a multiple of a yard, then in that location are 1 one thousand meters in a kilometer. Milli- denotes a thousandth; therefore, there are one yard millimeters in a meter.


Prefixes for SI units: The prefixes redefine the measurement as either a multiple or a fraction of the basic unit.

Keep in heed that prefixes should never be combined. Thus a millionth of a meter is a micrometer, not a millimillimeter, and a millionth of a kilogram is a milligram, non a microkilogram.

In older usage, a micron (a measurement oftentimes encountered in physics and technology) is the aforementioned every bit a micrometer, 10-6 meters. Some other older form of usage, the millimicron, is one thousandth of a micrometer, or i thousandth of 10-half-dozen meters, or x-9 meter, now called a nanometer. While these older terms are not in common usage, they are frequently encountered in older publications, and knowing their mod equivalents is an reward.

Volume and Density

Density and volume are two common measurements in chemical science.

Learning Objectives

Draw the relationship between density and volume

Fundamental Takeaways

Key Points

  • The volume of a substance is related to the quantity of the substance nowadays at a defined temperature and force per unit area.
  • The book of a substance can be measured in volumetric glassware, such as the volumetric flask and the graduated cylinder.
  • Density indicates how much of a substance occupies a specific volume at a divers temperature and pressure. The density of a substance tin can be used to define the substance.
  • Water is unusual because when h2o freezes, its solid form (ice) is less dense than liquid h2o, and thus floats on top of liquid h2o.

Key Terms

  • volume: A unit of iii-dimensional measure out of space that comprises a length, a width, and a height. It is measured in units of cubic centimeters in metric.
  • density: A measure of the amount of matter contained in a given book.

Book and Density

The properties of a material may exist described in many ways. Any amount of any substance volition take a volume. If you lot have 2 containers of water that are different sizes, they each hold a different corporeality, or book, of water. The unit of measurement for volume is a unit of measurement derived from the SI unit of length and is not a primal SI measurement.

If two water samples have different volumes, they however share a common measurement: the density. Density is another measurement derived from SI basic units. The density of a cloth is defined every bit its mass per unit book. In this example, each volume of water is dissimilar and therefore has a specific and unique mass. The mass of water is expressed in grams (thou) or kilograms (kg), and the book is measured in liters (L), cubic centimeters (cmiii), or milliliters (mL). Density is calculated by the dividing the mass by the volume, so that density is measured equally units of mass/volume, ofttimes k/mL. If both water samples are at the same temperature, their densities should be identical, regardless of the samples' book.

Measurement Tools


The measuring loving cup: The measuring loving cup is a common household utensil used for measuring the volumes of liquids.

If you take ever cooked in a kitchen, you have probably seen some sort of measuring loving cup, which allows the user to measure liquid volumes with reasonable accuracy. The measuring cup expresses liquid volume in the standard SI units of liters and milliliters. Almost American measuring cups likewise measure out liquid in the older system of cups and ounces.

Volumetric Glassware

Scientists who work in a laboratory must be familiar with typical laboratory glassware, often called volumetric glassware. These may include beakers, a volumetric flask, an Erlenmeyer flask, and a graduated cylinder. Each of these containers is used in a laboratory setting to measure liquid volumes for different purposes.


Laboratory volumetric glassware: Glassware, such as these beakers, is normally used in a laboratory setting to conveniently mensurate and dissever different volumes of liquids.

Density of H2o

Different substances have different densities, so density is often used as a method to identify a cloth. Comparing the densities of two materials can also predict how substances will interact. Water is used equally the mutual standard to substances, and it has a density of chiliad kg/thou3 at Standard Temperature and Force per unit area (called STP).

Using Water as a Density Comparison

When an object is placed in water, the object's relative density determines whether it floats or sinks. If the object has a lower density than h2o, it will bladder to the top of the water. An object with a college density will sink. For example, cork has a density of 240 kg/m3, so it volition bladder. Air has a density of approximately 1.2 kg/grand3, and so it rises immediately to the top of a water column. The metals sodium (970 kg/g3) and potassium (860 kg/10003) volition both float on water, while atomic number 82 (11,340 kg/k3) will sink.

Density: A Story of Archimedes and the Gilt Crown: Is the crown fabricated of pure gold? An ancient Greek male monarch needs to know if he'south been cheated by a goldsmith. He summons Archimedes, who decides to employ density to determine the metal. Only how can he decide the book of the crown?

Liquids tend to form layers when added to water. The sugar alcohol glycerol (1,261 kg/m3) will sink into the water and form a separate layer until it is thoroughly mixed (glycerol is soluble in h2o). Vegetable oil (approx. 900 kg/m3) volition float on water, and no affair how vigorously mixed, will ever return as a layer on the water surface (oil is non soluble in water).

The Variable Density of H2o

Water itself is a complicated and unique molecule. Fifty-fifty if the force per unit area is consequent, h2o's density will alter based on the temperature. Recall that the three bones forms of thing are solid, liquid and gas (ignore plasma for the time beingness). As a rule of thumb, well-nigh all materials are more than dense in their solid or crystalline class than in their liquid form; place the solid form of almost any fabric on the surface of its liquid form, and information technology will sink. Water, on the other hand, does something very special: water ice (the solid form of h2o) floats on liquid water.

Look advisedly at the relationship betwixt water's temperature and its density. Beginning at 100 °C, the density of h2o steadily increases, as far as iv °C. At that betoken, the density tendency reverses. At 0 °C, water freezes to ice and floats.

This tabular array lists the densities of water at different temperatures and abiding pressure level.

The density of water at abiding pressure
Temp (ºC) Density (kg/thousand3)
100 958.4
eighty 971.8
60 983.2
xl 992.2
thirty 995.6502
25 997.0479
22 997.7735
xx 998.2071
15 999.1026
x 999.7026
4 999.9720
0 999.8395
−ten 998.117
−20 993.547
−30 983.854
The values beneath 0ºC refer to super cooled water

The implications of this simple fact are enormous: when a lake freezes, ice crusts at the surface and insulates the liquid below from freezing, while at the same fourth dimension allowing the colder water (with a temp of approx. four °C and a high density) to sink to the lesser. If ice did not bladder, information technology would sink to the lesser, assuasive more than water ice to form and sink, until the lake froze solid! Scuba divers and swimmers frequently encounter these water temperature gradients, and they might even meet a h2o layer at the very lesser of a lake with a temperature of approximately 4 °C. That's just about as cold as the lake volition become at the bottom; every bit soon every bit the water gets colder, the liquid water becomes less dense and rises.


Layers of water in a winter lake: During the wintertime months of seasonal climates, the warmest water in most lakes and rivers is only 4°C. This 4°C water has the highest density and sinks to the lesser of the lake. Every bit the water becomes colder (<4°C), it becomes less dumbo and rises to form ice on the surface of the lake. As a result, liquid water always exists in lakes and rivers during the winter months. This unique property of water enables animals and plants to survive under the frozen lake or winter, ensuring that all freshwater life does not go extinct each winter.


The ability to measure temperature accurately was a major scientific advancement, putting absolute numbers on an appreciable phenomenon.

Learning Objectives

State the key developments in the history of temperature measurement

Cardinal Takeaways

Central Points

  • The measurement of temperature is accurate and reproducible.
  • The measurement of temperature should be against accepted standards.
  • Temperature tin can be calibrated to several scales including Celsius, Fahrenheit, and kelvin.
  • Converting between dissimilar temperature scales is like shooting fish in a barrel using the conversion equations.
  • Kinetic energy arises from the motion of atoms and molecules. Information technology is postulated that at absolute 0, there is no movement and therefore, no kinetic energy.

Key Terms

  • temperature: A measure of common cold or heat, often measurable with a thermometer.
  • kelvin: A unit of measurement for temperature. It is one of the vii base units in the International System of Units (SI).
  • Fahrenheit: An unit of measurement of measurement for temperature used most commonly in the Usa.
  • Celsius: A calibration and unit for temperature where 0 °C is the freezing bespeak of h2o. Also known as centigrade.
  • Celsius: A scale and unit of measurement for temperature where 0 °C is the freezing point of water. Besides known as centigrade.

How hot was it last summer? Will it be cold enough for skiing next calendar week? Each of these questions forces quantification to a routine feel. Whether we're talking about the weather, cooking food, or conducting a scientific experiment, nosotros need to know how hot or how cold something is. To know this, one must be able to put some sort of accurate number on the concept. Although at that place is an entire field of study devoted to measuring temperature (thermometry), the focus of this section is on the key measurements of temperature.


Monthly hateful temperature: Temperature enables u.s.a. to accurately mensurate and compare climates in different parts of the world.

The History of Measuring Temperature

To people in the 21st century, measuring temperature is a quick and easy thing to practise. Thousands of years ago, however, things were unlike. Temperature-related phenomena were always being observed. Snow fell and nerveless in cold weather, and melted into liquid water when the air warmed in bound. Liquid water fell as rain when the air was warm. Ice melted when placed well-nigh a source of heat, and water completely boiled out of a pot on a hot stove. Notwithstanding, these are all qualitative observations. They do not generate a number: they practice not tell us that water freezes at 0 °C, or that it boils at 100 °C. All nosotros larn from ascertainment is that heat and cold practice something to water, or that water behaves differently when it is heated or cooled.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, scientists refined the observations and experiments of the Byzantines and Greeks to produce rudimentary devices relating the amount of "hotness" or "coldness" in the air. The devices they congenital were called thermoscopes. These basic measuring tools utilized the expansion and contraction of air and water when heated and cooled.

The concept was remarkable, but thermoscopes did not have a numeric scale. The thermoscope could not answer the question, "How hot is it today?" with a number, but it could give a relative measurement. The thermoscope was often a elementary tube of gas over liquid. Thermoscopes also served as barometers (which mensurate pressure level ). That made it difficult to use them every bit thermometers, but they reacted to both pressure and temperature. Even when early thermometers did have a numeric scale, the scales were not standardized.

The dawn of the 18thursday century saw slap-up change in thermometers, thanks to the work of Isaac Newton, Anders Celsius, and Daniel Fahrenheit.

  • Isaac Newton proposed a thermometer with a scale of 12 degrees between the freezing and boiling points of water.
  • Fahrenheit was working with tubes filled with mercury, which has a very high coefficient of thermal expansion. This, combined with the quality and accuracy of Fahrenheit's piece of work, led to much greater sensitivity, and his thermometer was standardized confronting a brine solution and universally adopted, with the Fahrenheit scale being named in his honor.
  • Anders Celsius proposed a 100 degree scale for the difference between freezing and boiling of water, and after a few small adjustments, the Celsius, or centigrade, organization was also widely adopted.


Thermometer calibrated with the Celsius scal: Celsius is a scale and unit for temperature where 0 °C is the freezing betoken of h2o. Our ability to accurately measure temperature enables us to measure the weather, cook nutrient accurately, or conduct a scientific experiment.

Further advances led to faster-acting thermometers, which were useful in medicine and chemical science. Early thermometers did not record or hold the temperature they were measuring: if you removed the thermometer from the substance being measured, its reading would change. Scientists invented new thermometers that would maintain their reading, at least for a limited period of time, to reduce measurement errors and make information technology easier to record the temperature. Dial thermometers using bimetallic strips were besides developed. The bimetallic strips are made from 2 different metals bonded together, with each metal having a unlike coefficient of thermal expansion. Upon heating or cooling, the two metals expand or contract at different rates, causing a bending or curvature to appear in the strip. This bending is useful equally a transducer for the temperature reading; information technology can control a thermostatted excursion or drive a simple dial thermometer.

Absolute Zero

Through the development of temperature measurement, however, ane question remained unanswered: "How cold can it actually become? How cold is accented 0?"

The trivial reply is "0 degrees," simply what exactly does that mean? Temperature itself is the measurement of the boilerplate kinetic energy of a substance. The kinetic free energy arises from the motion of atoms and molecules, and it is postulated that at absolute 0, in that location is no movement and therefore, no kinetic energy. Therefore, the temperature must be "absolute 0."

The question remains: how much colder is absolute 0 than 0 °C?

In 1848, Lord Kelvin (William Thomson) wrote a newspaper entitled "On An Absolute Thermometric Scale" about the need to seek out a thermodynamic zero temperature. Using the Celsius system for its measurement of degrees, Lord Kelvin calculated the ultimate cold temperature to exist -273 °C. Today that is referred to as 0 K on the Kelvin thermodynamic temperature scale. Modern methods take refined the measurement to -273.16 °C.

Types of Temperature Scales

Temperature can be measured and represented in many unlike ways. The central requirements of the practice involve accuracy, a standard, linearity, and reproducibility. The SI unit, chosen for its simplicity and relationship to thermodynamics, is the kelvin, named in honor of Lord Kelvin. While incrementally equal to the Celsius scale, the temperature in kelvins is a true representation of the kinetic energy in a thermodynamic sense. Chemistry and physics crave many calculations involving temperature. Those calculations are ever made in kelvins.


Comparing of temperature scales: Temperatures of some common events and substances in different units.

A comparison of temperature scales table illustrates a diverseness of temperature scales, some of which are no longer used. It is interesting to see the temperatures of commonly occurring events over these scales, and to imagine the great hurdles that were overcome in developing modern thermometry.


Conversion to and from kelvin: Use the equations in this table to calculate temperatures using the kelvin measurement system.

Although in well-nigh cases scientists are equipped with some sort of electronic calculator, there might be times when a conversion from one scale to another is required. Conversion tables can exist used to convert a measurement to any scale from whatever other temperature scale, such every bit kelvin or Celsius.


Conversion to and from degrees Celsius: Employ the equations in this table to catechumen temperatures to the Celsius measurement system.


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